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Sutra Studies Week 55: Check-In | Niyama Practice And The Greater Reality

What are Niyamas (duties), and how do they individually, and collectively, support deeper self-purification and higher Self connection?

How do they help to solidify the knowledge that we have discussed previously, and continue to build upon in our understanding of the Self and the greater Reality in which all exists and is expressed?

Niyamas As They Relate To True Self-Expression And Self-Realization

You can obviously see that a more integrated and solid understanding of one’s True Nature/Self, and freedom from attachments that lead to suffering by more fully connecting with this Truth, is what is gained from this limb of practice (among other things).

One’s “duty” to one’s Self (and by extension “everyone else”), when summarized in this way, is simply to remain connected to the Self on all levels and at all times; nothing more, nothing less.

Whether it is on the personal, social, cosmic, or on the level of the divine, Niyama practice is the expression of your understanding that you are more than your animal-nature and physical form, and it is an acknowledgment that, beyond this limited expression, you are boundless, pure, and complete in your fullest/greatest expression. Niyama practice simply embodies the Truth of your limitless and connected nature even while operating within the realm of your bound and “bonded” ties to others within Maya/the realm of projected appearance and “distorted” form/reality.

Thank you for reading.

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