Birth Support And Education

Why It Matters?

Because it impacts, and is deeply tied to, every single aspect of existence itself, from genetics to the larger context of life as a whole, your birth experience matters. This underscores why women’s birth experiences, in particular, are strong determinants of the health and wellness of more than just individuals.

Why I Do “Birth Work”

As an undergraduate student, I became interested in everyday and milestone events as mediums through which individuals and groups perform and (re)create cultural and personal identities, understand life, and construct realities. This interest led me to pursue research on early life rituals while studying abroad in India…research which I then expanded upon to include birth rituals and rites in the United States for my senior thesis in Sociology as well.

Me on a side-trip to the Taj Mahal located in Agra.

During this time of researching, observing, and interviewing women, men, holy-men, midwives, doulas, birth-educators, and scholars on the social and cultural performances that are centered around birth and early life milestones, as well as partaking in a number of ceremonies, events, and countless hours of classes, etc., that were designed to support the “proper initiation” of children, mothers, and fathers into human society in the United States and in India, I grew to understand how important nurturing, empowering, and safe maternity/reproductive-care systems are to the health of women, children, families, and societies, and how access to quality birth education and support greatly contributes to the health outcomes that women (and our world) so greatly need and deserve.

Taken at an early-life ritual that I had the honor of being invited to by one of the families that I interviewed for my research project in Varanasi, India.

Birth is not only an essential/foundational process in our existence, it is also a powerful metaphor for the numerous other processes that we undergo throughout our life as well; it symbolizes our transformation into new states of being, as well as our coming out of the womb of potential into our full expression as creative and constantly evolving beings (in, and beyond, human form and suffering). And, according to Yogic understanding, birth is such an important process in our universe that one cannot even attain Moksha/Liberation without first attaining birth into a human body-mind in this world.

A family shrine that one of my interviewees kindly shared with me during my research project in Varanasi, India.

This means that, for me, physical birth (which literally performs the function of bringing awareness into existence in any form), giving everyone the opportunity to attain their highest/greatest potential for being, is a process that both makes life possible and inspires an understanding/appreciation of all processes of transformation within creation that manifests and defines who/what we are in and beyond any given body-mind or form.

My studies enabled me to dive deeply into intensive research and contemplation on the vital phenomena/process of human birth, and to explore whole-heartedly what it means to/for life and all of existence.

Through these studies and observations, I learned that, from the emotional to the psychological, to the physiological, environmental, and social, and on every possible level of/in existence, reproductive rights and the conditions under which women give (or do not give) birth impact their world and the entire world, and create whole new worlds, which is why supporting healthy, empowering, and safe births (in any capacity) is vital to the well-being of all.

Birth and death rituals and the celebration of life and Liberation (and everything in between) takes place on the ghats of Varanasi, India every day.

Birth, on all levels, defines who we are individually and collectively as, and beyond, a species, and my aim is to contribute to this vital part of our evolutionary process and experience by expanding my work and research in this area, and continuing to serve the cause for healthy, safe, and trauma-free births that take place in “higher spaces,” and in states of living, being, and awareness that are grounded in freedom, reverence, love, choice, and respect….honoring this process that is so deeply connected to the divine, and to our individual and collective sacred potential.

Visit our Birth Resources page to get started, or contact me to learn more about classes.

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