Sutra Studies Week 60: Reflections On Mastery Over The Effects Of Objects On The Senses And The Mind (Sutras 2.54-2.55) [Excerpt]

“[R]enunciation and isolation support you to reduce the amount of external stimuli that can get you attached to sense objects like people, places, thoughts, things, and so forth in the world…”

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Sutra Studies Week 60: Check-In | Hormones, Desires, And Fears, Oh My! | Controlling Your Animal Nature To Be Seduced And/Or Distracted By “Pleasurable” To “Scary” Things

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Sutra Studies Week 60: Mastery Over The Effects Of Objects On The Senses And The Mind (Sutras 2.54-2.55)

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Regulating Your Body-Mind & Coming Into Being | Part 5-Pratyahara And Withdrawing Inward For Fuller Awareness Of The Self | Satsang Full Recording | 11-23-21

This meeting explores how going inward and withdrawing your senses from, and attachments* to, external “objects” prepares you for greater/deeper understanding of the Self.

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Sutra Studies Week 28: Reflections On Moving To Subtler Levels Of Awareness In Your Practice | Using Concentration On Your Senses To Gain Inner Peace (Sutra 35)

“If you want to permanently remove the veil of illusion that prevents you from seeing the truth of your True Self, however, you will have to either let it go of all false identities completely through total surrender to the higher self (and total means fully here, by the way, there is no partial letting go) or you must remove all illusions gradually through devoted inner work and concentration that allows you to slowly see the truth. No vortex or external factor can get you there permanently (or arguably at all).

So, the Sutras emphasize that you start with what you have, your life, and your body, your breath, your mind, and your cognitive capabilities, which are all free and more than enough to get the job done effectively.”

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Sutra Studies Week 28: Check-In | The Importance Of Self-Awareness For Sensory Control

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Sutra Studies Week 28: Moving To Subtler Levels Of Awareness In Your Practice | Using Concentration On Your Senses To Gain Inner Peace (Sutra 35)

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Yoga Tip/Challenge # 3: Apply Foundational Self-Generated Tools

Incorporate slow, deliberate, movements, deep, intentional, breaths, and gentle, purposeful, physical touch into your Yoga routine each day.

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Yoga Tip/Challenge # 2: Be Kind To Yourself

In order to practice effectively, and challenge yourself to do better than you did before without breaking your commitment to ahimsa (non-violence), you must be able to distinguish between injury-inducing pain and growth/transformation-inducing discomfort.

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The Eight-Limbed Path Of Yoga-Part 3: Limbs Five And Six | Pratyahara And Dharana

The Context of Your Reality Within Your Primary Locus Of Control

Freedom from the external pulls of the world is the only way to truly gain Self-Realization and liberation from suffering.

This is what limbs five and six on the Eight-Limbed Path remind us.

Liberation from your social-sensual animal nature and your subconscious and unconscious impulses, aversions, and attractions will support you with gaining mastery over the power and function of your mind, and will empower mastery over your primary locus of control so that you can fully use your life-force energy/inner power to connection to/with your higher Self/expression.

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